Snack Tri-Color Sauce Sandwich | Independence Day Special | Healthy Easy Tiranga Sandwich by Palak

Snack Tri-Color Sauce Sandwich | Independence Day Special | Healthy Easy Tiranga Sandwich by Palak

Snack Tri-Color Sauce Sandwich

Today we are going to make a Snack, Tri-Color Sauce Sandwich Independence Day special. The sandwich is very healthy, easy, and also matches the color of our Tri-Color Flag our very own Tiranga.

The Sandwich is super duper easy no gas cooking easy can be made by kids too. All-time Snack very nice and great option for kids School tiffing too. Breakfast calls for something very quick and easy, sometimes when we don't feel like cooking anything major in the morning but these Snack Tri-Color Sauce Sandwich are Healthy and easy. Do try this out this Independence Day 2020 Follow the complete video. Enjoy Happy Watching Follow the Video for Procedure.

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